Guardians of the Galaxy korean review

score : 8 / 10

in korea, It's good for a movie

The movie is worth to see

한국에서 이 정도면 꽤나 높은편

정말 볼만한 영화일듯

responses from many Koreans

한국 사람들 반응

wow, great
most interesting movie among Marvel's
The bad thing is the lack of korean movie screen.
i hope to increase screening a cinema.

just killing time movie. this is good. I love you Marvel

expect too much, light despondency.
i expect sequel.

was so boring that fell in deep sleep.

fit perfectly to kids.

I am cheated on other reviews.
story, character,humor, all are lacking..

vague. dramatis personae's lines are good,
 but, overall, not so..good

 Why is it so boring?

I expected and, disappointing.
the English-speaking world joke maybe  can not get over
korean people. course is too urgency. Justice Heroes like Power Rangers. It is a shameful thing.

Oh my..It is waste of money

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