is Hearthstone fun ?

is Hearthstone fun ?

to sum up in a line :     good      early newbie days in this game

Players can play casually this game 
within five minutes. 'cause it is card game.

카드 게임이라
가볍게 5 분 즐길 수 있음.

Players also can set their own card deck concept .
ex. a mage who has high defensive power
a Hiding worrier
a Priest focus on attack

자기만의 컨셉을 정할 수 있어서 좋다.
예를 들면, 방어 튼튼 마법사
은신하는 전사
공격에만 집중한 사제

Player can a normal card
to defeat someone who has epic rare cards.

기본 노말 카드로
에픽, 레어 카드를 가진놈 이길 수 있음.

There is not chat system.
there is no need to be blamed.

채팅기능이 없어서
욕안먹어도 됨 ㅋ

Player can turn the game around several times.
it's funny.

역전이 잘 일어남

In future,
cards are 
just six of one , half a dozen the other.
There's a limit.

카드가 거기서 거기임
한계가 느껴짐.

A daily quest is tiresome.

일일퀘스트가 귀찮음.

Luck 33 % + strategy 33% + good card 33%

운 33% + 전략 33% + 카드빨 33%

↓ Other korean player's review

다른 한국 플레이어 리뷰

Hearthstone ?? what the fucking
it look like fucking no fun too.

하스스톤?? 뭔 시발
보이는 것도 존나 노잼이네

WOW Player = Hearthstone Player
Both of them are insipid
Those Players are writing a fucking shit 
by their self on site.

와우충 = 하스스톤충
둘다 씹노잼 게임새끼들이
지혼자서 좇도 재미없는 뻘글을 쳐 싸질르고 있음.

Hearthstone became boring.
nooo fun
I never have a mind to do a quest.
you set counter deck 
If you have no luck,
you will be gone a million.

하스스톤 개 좆노잼됨
일퀘깰맘도 안난다
카운터덱 짜도 초반 운없으면 탈탈 털림

simple, accessibility , game is nice,
all of them depend on cards. fucking bitch.

간단하고 접근성좋고 게임성까지 ㅅㅌㅊ인데
카드빨인게 개씨발

AI (artificial intelligence) is sick 
I am no joke, AI is better than me.

하스스톤 오토 쩌는듯
장난이 아니고 나보다 잘함ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

i am first-timer , it is very fun
Warlock is very dirty.

하스스톤 처음해봣는데 개재밋다
주술사 개더럽던데

Game is no fun,
card gather and
sightseeing is fun.

하스스톤 게임은 씹노잼인데
구경하는건 예스잼;

Opponent dominated a field and 
he knew this game will be win,
and say "thank" "thank"
but, I used a wide area attack,
I defeated him,
It was real very fun.

필드 장악하고 지가 이긴줄알고
감사합니다 감사합니다
거리는 새끼 상대로광역기 콤보 같은걸로
상대가 장악해둔 필드 싹다 부셔버릴때
ㄹㅇ 꾸르잼

Priest is interesting.
he steal all of card.

사제 개 재밌다.
카드 전부 도둑질함

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