my Age of empires 3 game play write down

Greetings !

let me introduce my game taste.
my favorite game was
Sims, HearthStone , Elderscroll Skyrim, Cyphers
except modern times army FPS.

i am not good at English.
so, I did not play fast game.
for translate units and build techs.
I almost not set fast option in AOE 3.

First play

civilization : French
2 (including me) vs 2 enemies
my allies got resource bonus + 10 %
map : Molgolia
battle type : classic
starting age : nomad
difficulty : easy
speed : medium

impression :
I set medium speed, but it seem like fast to me.
because I am distracted to doing many things
I won heehee

2:2 컴퓨터 전투 해봤다
맵 몽골
클래식 게임
컴퓨터 한 명과 팀먹고
난이도는 쉬움 으로.
아군에게 핸디캡 조절 10% (아군이 자원 획득 10% 증가)

게임 속도 보통으로 했는데,
의외로 빨랐고. 조금 정신이 없었다.
전체적으로 쉬웠다. 이김 ㅎ

Second play

civilization : Sioux
2 (including me) vs 1
I got resource bonus + 5 %
enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
map : random
starting age : nomd
difficulty : moderate
speed : slow

Slow speed, units are very slow.
when buildings are increased later ,
Slow speed feels not inconvenience.
because I care many units
and building and settlers and hero.

I lost !
enemy growed awfully.
my ally and me are shit
but, enemy fire gun early.
I lost in 2vs1 !

2:1 로 ㅎ
수 문명

난이도는 보통
나 5% 추가
아군 0%
적 자원 100% 핸디켑 좋게 추가
속도 느리게

속도 느리게 하면
유닛 속도가 느려서 답답한데,
나중가서, 내 건물과 유닛이 많아지면,
 신경쓸 게 많아지니 느린 속도가 괜찮다고 느껴짐.

결과 ㄷㄷ 적 너무 무섭게 성장함
아군도 똥이고 나도 똥인데 적은 벌써 총쓰고 있고
유닛수도 무섭게 불어나서 짐 ㅠㅠ
2:1로 지다니 ㅠㅠ

Third  play

civilization : Indians
3 vs 1
only enemy got resource bonus + 80 %
map : large Decan
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

ah it was easy.

클래식 게임방식
대형 대칸고원 
시작시대 : 유목민
보통 난이도
핸디캡 적만 80%
속도 보통
쉬움 ㅎ

Fourth  play

네번째 플레이

civilization : Ottomans
3 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
King of Hill
map : Unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

I don't recommend King of Hill
even though I captured King's Hill,
enemy go to the wrong way.
easily won.

고지 쟁탈전 왕의언덕
미지의땅 (설원지 가운데는 땅 가장자리는 물)
시작시대 : 유목민
족 핸디캡 100%
속도 보통

고지 쟁탈전 안추천한다.
내가 고지를 먹고 있는데도,
적이 엉뚱한데로 쳐들어옴.
결국 쉽게 승리 ~

Fifth  play

다섯번째 플레이

civilization : Chinese
3 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
map : Saguenay
starting age : colonial age
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

one of ally died at the beginning.
so game was 2 vs 1.
I recovered my senses.
Gathered armies. and went to enemy.
My armies melted down.
and defenced well.
I Gathered armies one more time.
 and went to enemy.
I came-from-behind victory
good game

클래식 게임
식민지 시대부터
3:1 적 100% 핸디캡

처음에 아군 동맹군 하나 전멸해서 2:1 됨

질거같아서 정신 바짝차려
병력모아 갔다.
적 병력 다없어진줄 알고 이긴줄 알았는데
내 병력이 다 없어지더라 퇴각 ㅌㅌ

적들이 우리쪽으로 쳐들어왔다.
수비 잘해서 수비함.

다시 병력 모아서 가서 이김 

역전에 역전에 역전으로 이김 ㅠ
짱재밌네 ㅋ

Sixth play
여섯번째 플레이

civilization : Japanese
3 vs 2
on of a enemy got resource bonus + 90 %
map : Indochina
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

We have not any armies
but they invaded.
it was very difficult

they even hit back of head.
how could they.
they turned around and attack weak side of my town.
I abandoned.

클래식 게임
적 한명은 핸디캡 + 90 %

우리편 군사없는데
초반부터 처들어옴. ㅠ
개 어렵다.

어떻게 삥 돌아서 뒷통수 때리네 ㄷㄷ
포기 ㅠㅠ

Seventh play

일곱번재 플레이

civilization : Dutch3 vs 1
3 vs 3
only I got resource bonus + 30 %
10 min treaty
map : Amazonia
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

it was no trouble to win
I won.

아마조니아 맵
클래식 게임 / 10분 조약
유목민 시티
보통 난이도 보통 속도
3:3 나만 30% 증가

꽤 수월하게 이김 ㅎ

Eighth play
여덜번째 플레이

civilization : British
3 vs 3
I got resource bonus + 5 %
map : large Yellow river
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

I won heheh
even lag map, that was not too big.

대형 황하 
유목민 부터
보통 보통
3: 3 나만 5% 추가

이김 ㅎㅎ
대형 맵이라고 해도 그렇게 크지는 않은듯


Ninth play

civilization : Iroquois
4 vs 4
no resource bonus
map : patagonia
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

I can do game as normal one AOE 3 player.

이러쿼이 문명
4:4 노 핸디캡

ㅎㅎ 나도 이제 1인분 함 

Tenth play
열번 째

civilization : Aztecs
2 vs 2
enemies got resource bonus + 10 %
map : Big New England ( fan made )
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

won heheheh
even though enemy got bonus,
our score was 370
their was 222.
I think I adapted this game.
fan made big map was so big.

빅 뉴잉글랜드 유저가 만든 맵 다운받아서 함

2:2 적들에게 10% 추가함

이김 히히
적들에게 10% 보너스 줘도
우리편 370점
적군 222점 이엇음 ㅎㅎ
나도 이제 이 게임에 적응한듯

유저가 만든 빅 맵 참 넓더라

11 th play

civilization : Pirate ( The Forgotten Empire mod )

2 vs 2
on of a enemy got resource bonus + 50 %
another enemy got resource bonus + 30 %
map : Ozarks
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

Pirate was no special
It just like other west Civilizaions

I won ~
at the beginning, I hit enemy's center.
he don't defend foolishly

해적 문명  무슨 모드 받아서 함. 
The Forgotten Empire였나

오자크스 맵
적하나는 50% 하나는 30%
유목민 nomad

해적이 다른나라하고 생김새가 거의 비슷햇음 ㅡㅡ

싸워서 이겼음
초반에 적 본진 때리니까 바보같이 안막고 죽더라

12 th play
열 두 번째 플레이

civilization : USA ( improvement mod )
1 vs 1
no resource bonus
map : Orinoco
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

there are bugs
I deleted tha mod.


orinoco 맵

improvement 모드라고
philadelphia 미국 추가하는 모드 잇음
그래서 미국 해봄

모드 오류 걸려서 unit가 생성 안됨 ㅡㅡ
모드 지움

13 th play
열 세번째 플레이

civilization : Russians
2 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 10 %
map : great lakes
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

Russian homcity was pretty.

at the middle time,
my ally gave up and do not anything ah !
fuck ! I lost

   노모드 플레이
2:1 적은 100%
great lakes 맵
클래식 nomad

러시아 건물 이뿌다 ㅎㅎ
중간에 아군이 손 놓고 포기함 ㅡㅡ
시발 짐

14 th play
열 네 번째 플레이

civilization : Colombia ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
3 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
map : random
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

Colombia was very difficult
Enemy has too many units.
Allys are very stupid. and don't get an unit.
I lost.
I will do 3 vs 1 (enemy get 90% bonus) next time.

3:1 적은 100%
클래식 nomad

콜롬비아 어렵다 ㅜ
적이 너무 수가 많고
아군은 존나 멍청해서 병력 안뽑음 ㄷㄷ
짐 ㄷㄷ
다음엔 3:1 적 90% 해봐야겠다.

15 th play
열 다섯 번째 플레이

civilization : Paraguayans
3 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 90 %
( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
map : random
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

ah narrowly I won.
we both team strainedly drew in the middle of game
and I won.
sincerely, our ally do not anything.
there was no turn the tables.
this match was continuously tie.
hard and tired.

3:1 적 90%

아 겨우 이김 ㅠ
팽팽하게 계속 비기다가
우리편 정말 하는거 없었다 ㅜ
역전은 없었고

계속 무승무무승부 하니
힘들고 지침

16 th play
열 여섯 번째 플레이

civilization : Argentin  ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
4 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 95 %
map : random
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

It was so easy
I sent units to ally.
they made spontaneously units well.
smoothly won !

4:1 적 95%

아군에게 자원보냈더니 
알아서 병력 많이 만들더라
수월하게 이김 ㅎㅎ

 War of the Triple Alliance mod 하면서
인구수 무제한 하고 싶으면
age of empires3 깔린 곳에서
찾기 -> "ptoro" 하면 xml 파일 여러개 나온다.
이 파일 다 편집한다.

메모장으로 편집해서

로 다 바꾼다.
edit -> change로 쉽게 바꿀 수 있다.

17 th play
열 일곱번째 플레이

civilization : Mexican ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
4 vs 2
on of a enemy got resource bonus + 90 %
map : rg carolina ( fan made )
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : fast

when I killed one,
got back,
before one knows,
2 allies died. so the match was 2 vs 1

I set speed fast first time,
I accepted and not bad.

It took total over 2 hours ! 140 minutes
Big map has not always good.
I must make units continuously. so it was repetitive and boring.

4:2 적 90%와 0% 추가
유저 만든 대형 맵
속도 빠르게

적 하나 죽이고 돌아보니
아군 두명 어느새 죽어있었다. 그래서 2:1 됨 ㄷㄷ

속도 처음으로 빠르게 해봤는데,
적응되니 괜찮다.

총 2시간 넘게 걸림 ㄷㄷ 140분 ㄷㄷ

맵이 크다고 좋은건 아니더라.
계속 200 유닛을 계속 똑같이 뽑아야되서 지루함..

18 th play
열 여덟번째 플레이

civilization : Japan
6 vs 2
one of a enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
map : lg silk road
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

enemy don't check hiding characters.
though spies crashing their center of a colony,
they just keep still.

6 vs 2 (one got 100% bonus) was easy.
I will fight 6 vs 2 (two all got 100% bonus)

6:2 적 하나는 100%

나머지 보통

적이 은신감지 안하더라 ㄷㄷ
스파이로 본진 뿌셔도 가만히 있음

6:2 (한명만 100% 추가) 는  
다음엔 6:2 (두명 모두 100% 추가)로 해봐야 할듯

19 th play
열 아홉번째 플레이

civilization : Canadian
( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
6 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 100 %
map : unknwon
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

Allies died and
game became 4 vs 2.
Allies did good well last.

6 : 2 적 둘다 100% 추가
나머지 보통

중간에 아군이 죽어서 4: 2가 됬는데
아군이 알아서 잘 해줌 ㅎ

20 th play
스무번째 플레이

civilization : Tupi
5 vs 3
all enemies got resource bonus + 70 %
map : unknwon
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

took 130 minutes !!!
as time goes by
there was no sign of winning.
we steadily was ousted.
I defeated too hard.

5:3 핸디캡 적들에게 70% 씩 줌
tupi ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
unkwon 맵  대형맵 나옴
클래식 전투
유목민 nomad
난이도 어려움 hard
속도 보통

총 130 분 걸림 ㄷㄷ

갈수록 이기는 기미가 안보이고 서서히 밀려서 짐.
너무 힘들게 패배함 ㅠㅠ

21 th play
스물 번째 플레이

civilization : American
3 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 90 %
map : Honshus
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

easily lost.
danced to enemy's tune.

3:1 적 90%
american  ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
honshus 맵
특수하게, 모든 유닛 인구 제한 없앴음.

으아 쉽게 발림 ㄷㄷ

22 th play
스물 번째 플레이

civilization : USA California
3 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
map : random
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium
specially, I deleted population limit from now.

enemy units are very many overwhelmingly from begin.
I suffered complete defeat.
our allies growed slowly.

3:1 적 100%   
( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
특수하게, 모든 유닛 인구 제한 없앴음.

으으 초반부터 적의 수가 압도적이더니
발림 ㄷㄷ

울편은 너무 발전이 더뎠다

23 th play
스물3번째 플레이

civilization : indian ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
1 vs 1
no resource bonus + 95 %
map : random
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

I tried build all.
build tech was too many, I can not memorize that all.
there was tanks and huge airplane.

sandbox diff

한번 빌딩 다 지어봄

빌딩 트리가 너무 많아서 다 외우지 못함 ㄷㄷ

나중가면 탱크에 무슨 큰~ 비행선까지 나옴 ㄷㄷ

24 th play

civilization : portuguese ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
4 vs 1
a enemy got resource bonus + 100 %
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

portuguese flag was very good.

enemy overwhelmed
5 minute age,
allies overwhelm enemy.
it's was little afraid

4:1 적 100%
unknown 맵 설원에 바다 없음
nomad 보통보통

포르투갈 깃발 이뿌다 ㅎㅎ

처음엔 적이 압도적으로 쳐들어와서
우리편이 압도적으로 병력 많아져서 이김
ㄷㄷ 흠...

25 th play

civilization : sioux ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 55 %
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

enemies rushed upon me like a wav
I lost.

4:2 적 둘다 55 %
unknown 맵 설원에 바다 없음

적 병력이 파도 처럼 밀려옴 ㄷㄷ


26 th play

civilization : spanish ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 40 %
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

war dog was very good.
I can take that from early in the game.

4:2 적 둘다 40%
unknown 멥

이김 ㅎㅎ

war dog 짱 조음 ㅎㅎ
초반부터 뽑아서 제압함

27 th play

civilization : french  ( War of the Triple Alliance mod )
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 50 %
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

this time, I  casted all resources to my allies  by way of experiment

at the beginning, game was 2 vs 2 ,

I gave resources to America
at last, this America called militaries
and pushed all enemies.

4:2 적 둘다 50%
unknown 멥

이번엔 한번 아군에게 자원만 몰아주는 전략을 써봤다.
초반엔 2명 죽어서 2:2 됬지만,
아군 중 미국에게 지원 계속 해줫는데
나중에 이 미국이 병력 다뽑아서 밀어부치더라 ㄷㄷ
이김 ㅎㅎ

28 th play

civilization : Iroquiois
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 50 %
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

I won ~
I set difficulty : hard, so,
enemies reveal hide.

4:2 둘다 50 %
unknown 맵
난이도 hard !

수월하게 이김 ㅎㅎ
난이도 hard 하니까
적이 은신 감지하더라

29 th play

civilization : russians ( there was bugs with pop unlimited )
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 55 %
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : expert
speed : medium

settler get bugs !
 abandonment !

4:2 둘다 55 %
unknown 맵
난이도 expert !!!

settler 주민 버그걸려서 안뽑아짐 ㅠㅠ

30 th play

civilization :  CSA    ( North American Theater mod 로 변경 ㅎㅎ )
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 55 %
map : Himalayas upper
starting age : revoultionary age
difficulty : expert
speed : medium

I am nomad yet,
Computers upgraded all. OMG

All are hard-working and fucking fast
and game ended fast too.
My allies won.

I will not do expert from now on.
I can't savor game itself.

4:2 적은 둘 다 55%
himalayas upper 맵
난이도 expert  ( North American Theater mod 로 살짝 바뀜)
속도 보통

난 아직 유목민인데
컴퓨터들은 벌써 업그레이드 다함 ㄷㄷ

다들 부지런하고 존나 빨름.
울편이 이김. ㄷㄷ 게임도 빨리 끝남.

다음부턴 expert 하지 말아야겠다.
음미할 수 없엉 !

31 th play

civilization : Ottomans    ( North American Theater mod )
4 vs 2
two enemies got resource bonus + 60 %
40 min treaty
map : unknown
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

argh 40 minute was too long.

I did not upgrade all.

I made unit very very many
so, there was little bit lag

I won ~

4:2 적 둘 다 60%
unknown 맵
난이도 hard
속도 보통
특이하게, 40분 동안 서로 공격 x 조약검

꺅 40분 너무 길다 ㅠㅠ

40분 동안 업그레이드 다는 못했음.

40분 동안 모두 다 유닛 왕창 뽑아서 ㄷㄷ
조금 렉걸렸음

결국 수월하게 이김 ㅎㅎ

32 th play

civilization : USA   ( North American Theater mod )
3 vs 3
no resource bonus
10 min treaty
map : standard random maps
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

we drew but
enemy surpassed in firepower later.

3:3  핸디캡 x
standard random maps
난이도 hard
속도 보통
10분간 조약

초반엔 비기다가
갈수록 적이 우세해짐 ㅠ

33 th play
civilization : canadian ( North American Theater mod )
4 vs 2
only me got resource bonus + 10 %
map : asian random map
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

I won. easily.

3: 3   나에게만 핸디캡 10% 보너스~
asian map
난이도 hard
속도 보통

수월하게 이김 ㅎㅎ

34 th play
civilization : jerusalem ( crusades mod )
1 vs 1

I won.. but
what is that mod?
just flags are different.

근데. 이 모드 별로임/
다른 국가 해도 다 똑같음. 국기만 다름.

35 th play

civilization : Inca ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1

I dominated at the beginnig and I won easily.

this mod was good.
homecitys and units was good made.
there was some bugs. but. not bad.

초반 제압하니 쉽게 이김 ㅎㅎ

오 이 모드 홈시티와 유닛 잘만들었네~
버그가 좀 있긴 하지만 이뿌다. ㅎㅎ

36 th play

civilization : Poland ( napoleon era mod )
2 vs 1
me got resource bonus + 10 %
enemy got resource bonus + 90 %
map : NE atlas mountains
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

enemy was too strong..

2:1 나는 10% 적은 90%
NE atlas mountains
속도 보통

적너무 쎄 ㅠ

37 th play

civilization : Bangdad ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1
map : NE baja california
starting age : nomad
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

This Civil was same with China
some of units has bugs..
specially Poles was too buggy

건물이 중국하고 빌드가 같네..
이 모드의 civil들은 원래꺼하고 크게 다르지는 않는듯

몇몇 유닛이 버그 걸렸다 ㅠ

Poles 도 해봤는데 이건 아예 업그레이드 안되서 중도포기 ㄷㄷ

38 th play

civilization : Italian ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1

difficulty : sandbox
speed : fast

this game was nothing special.

음...특별한게 없었던 거 같음.

39 th play

civilization : Swiss ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1
enemy got resource bonus + 80 %
difficulty : sandbox
speed : fast

this mod is not fancy.

1:1 적 80% 추가
이 모드는 크게 바뀌는게 없음. ㅇㅇ

40 th play

civilization : Australian ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1
I got resource bonus + 10 %
map : random
starting age : imperial age
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

Australian has good concept.

Oh, enemy hit my back again !

1:1 나만 10% 핸디캡
post - imperial age
보통 속도

Australian 종족 컨셉이 괜찮네.

으아 적이 뒷치기옴 ㅠㅠ

41 th play

civilization : Prussian ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1
I got resource bonus + 20 %
10 min treaty
map : random
starting age : imperial age
difficulty : moderate
speed : medium

mh~ I know how to play this game now.

building useless house or arsenal
at middle of map.
and building defence building around there.
this is good for AGGRO.
It can take enemy`s eyes off

when enemy figthing with them,
I can gather resources everywhere. hhehe

1:1 나 핸디캡 20%
post - imperial age
보통 속도
10분 조약

이제 이 게임 하는 법 알겠다

house나 factory같이 쓸모없는 건물을 
맵 가운데 쯤 짓는다.
이건 적의 어그로를 끈다.
그 주변에 방어 건물과 병력을 지으면 ㅇㅋ

적이 아군 병력과 싸우는동안
내가 자원을 여기저기서 캐면 됨 ㅎㅎ

42 th play

civilization : German
1 vs 1
I got resource bonus + 5 %
starting age : nomad
difficulty : hard
speed : medium

building in middle of map for provocation
-> making units
um~ easy

중간 뷜딩 어그로 -> 병력 뽑긔 ㅎㅎ 
음~ 쉬움 ㅎ

43 th play
civilization : Poles  ( napoleon era mod )
1 vs 1
I got resource bonus + 10 %
speed : medium

I don't know Poles.
It's upgrade not work.

Poles 업그레이드 어렵다. 버그 있는지 ? 업그레이드 안되네
잘 모르겠다.

conclusion summary

I recommend below MOD

War of the Triple Alliance mod

9 new civilizations have been added:
 Brazilians, Paraguayans, Colombians, 
Argentines, Mexicans, Americans, 
Canadians, Tupi and Koreans.

Napoleon era mod

9 new civilizations with unique units, 
AI personalities and homecities:
Americans Austrians Italians Inca Persians
Poles Prussians Swedens Swiss

Age Of Empires 3   1.03   Mr D  no cd version
three expansion pack installed.
language : English

You can adjust population limit
at proto.xml in Age Of Empires3 set up folder,
but there is bugs with Russian Civilization.

3 ( including player ) vs 1 ( enemy resource bonus + 90% )
and classic game type on moderate map.
difficulty is moderate or hard.
speed is medium.
this game set is good.

Fan-made Large Maps are very big.
so, this takes too much times.
minimum 1 hours ! omg.
and many armies come out. it is very laggy.
Original big map is enough.

'Strating age = colonial age'
is good.
player can make army units from the beginning.

'Strating age = nomad'
is good for newbie.
it is good for selecting Town Center place.
but, It takes too much time to play.
player can't upgrade age completely until game over.

10 min treaty is suitable.
do not 40 min treaty !

Good strategy :
building House or Market
or Useless building
nearby enemy.

Good strategy 2 :
giving up my army
and tributing completely
my resources to my ally.

Good strategy 3 :
attack everywhere.
Town center and Out post and Barracks.
then, you can gain time for gather army.

Good strategy 4 :
gather and steal resource
nearby enemy.

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