Real Korean's accent

it is Real Koreans' accent.
Real Korean : who real born in korea
except people who was born in English-speaking country.

이게 진짜 한국인들 발음임.
외국에서 태어난 2세 교포 말고
한국에서 태어난 사람 말하는거임.

Koreans are not also speak English well.
and are not good at expressing their emotions
and don't know high and low of sound.

한국사람들은 영어도 잘 못하고.
감정표현도 서툴고,
음의 높낮이도 몰름.

Koreans hard to say F , V , R , T.
they say
F -> P
V -> B
R -> L
TH - > T+T

한국인들은 F V R T 발음 하기 힘들어해서
이렇게 말함.

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