Sierra build simulation games simple tips

I'm giving some sipmle knowhow
for comfortale game playing
it's about Caesar , Pharaoh , Zeus , Emperor

1st : Good way to build houses

Circle form is best.
it is in trim, so nice to look at.
and nice to clicking.
you can build residence houses
out square form load.
or remain empty spot in 
square form load.
as for build order,
build house first.
after that, 
build other buildings for house upgrading.

2nd : Making industrial complex

there is need to make a few house
for other buildings work.
I recommand build
one or two house that have low quality.
so much slum gonna reduce prosperity rating.
build some basic buildings slum need
like Police station and Fire stationd etc..
Specific objective building can be 
storage or mine , farm , trading dock.

3rd : mass of Police station instead of military defending forces

and basic buildings slum need
( fire station, medical center, architect office etc )
and many police office.
it is instead of army and wall.
of course, player can build it in beginning.
polices have litte striking power.
weak enemy can be lost by polices. ha!
player can use zoo lion or gladiator instead of polices.
they have power too.

## TXT Cheat

If game is too difficult, can modify txt.
open Rules.ini   or   easy.txt (555,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1)
modify this numbers.
may be first number is cost.
reduce that to 0, it cost 0 in game.

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