Skyrim interesting 100 things

Shor's Stone
is able to ignored by
fast travel users.
it is located between Riften and Windhelm.

Frostflow Lighthouse
is also easy to lost sight.
it located southeast of Dawnstar.

Sneaking dagger attack's damage can be multiplied x60
perk x15,
darkbrotherhood x2,
duel weapon x2,
orc race trait x2
+ potion

Hearthfire adds
breadmaking, farm, farming fishes
a  adopted children sometimes
give gems, dragon bones, giant toes to player.

Greybeards has 100 level in game data.
Arngeir's level is revealed to be 150.

Being werewolf (companions) cures vampirism

Player can get free arrows around
Guards who is training with a bow

Shops' Inventory and money
gets restocked after 48 hour

Cell Contents reset 240 hours
after last visit

Pickpocket can wake dying Astrid

Dragon can pick up anyone and drop from sky.

Sometime can see fake Imperial soldiers demanding pay
when traveling

Human heart and flesh can be eaten.
'cause they are alchemy ingredients.

Wedding dress can be stolen from
Vittoria Vici.

Fire magic remains long-lasting damage
so, repeatedly clicking is efficient

Jumping on a forge increases Destruction

Dead body dances when it stuck in door or showcase

Karita (in Dawnstar) and Lurbuk (in Morthal)
are bad bards.

Blackreach, Soul Cairn, Forgotten are huge dungeons.

Blackreach map

Soul Cairn map

Forgotten Vale map

Can go to along the way south Helgen
Player rode in a carriage in the beginning.
then, can find impassable border to Cyrodiil.

Can get Unlimited Stamina from stew

Berland (in Solitude) is best follower out of vanilla followers

How to get multiple followers without mods
Player 1
dog 1
follower 1
shadowmire 1
darkbrotherhood summon lucien lachance 1
conjuration's dead thrall 2
Alduin's Wall quest, Delphine and Esbern 2
Eola, Belrand, etc Followers' Summons +a
other quests +a

How to win bare hand fighting?
Wearing heavy armor.
Alteration spells such as Oakflesh or Ebonyflesh.
foods like stew.
Using fortify potions.
use these before brawls.

Enemy can not walk on rock
it is good escaping way to jump on rock.

Horse can climb up mountain 
that you couldn't on foot.

Slow Lockpicking is best way 
rotate it slow

Stamina increase maximum carry by 5
when you level up.

For nice Sneak,
running is noisier than walking
turn off torch.
heavy armor makes noise, wear light armor.
shot arrow to far away for attracting.
casting a spell makes noise unless you have the Quiet Casting perk.

Atronachs are immune to spell of their own type.
you can use any fire spell to your ally fire Atronachs.

You can
fast travel on your horse
if you weigh too much.

If drop soul gem filled, become empty.
it's soul go away.

Werewolf is faster than horse.

If an NPC is paralyzed,
they can be pickpocketed without failure.

It is hard to enemy attacks
player escaped in water.

How to stolen goods laundering
An item marked an stolen may change regular
if put in a NPC then kill the NPC, loot it back.

also, there is another easy way to wash goods.
steal raw materials.
steal ingredients -> make potion
steal ingots leathers -> smithing
steal enchanted item -> disenchant
(steal item -> enchant , it is not work)

How to do a dodge roll
in sneak mode,
jump and hold down the sprint button
as you fall back down.
without Perk.
it makes no noise.

In alchemy,
combining 2 ingredients is for useful potion.
combining 3 ingredients is for leveling or money.

The Clear Skies Shout stagger
it only take 5 seconds to refill.

Fus Ro Dah sets off traps.

Many ruins get taken over by Bandits,
including Helgen.

Ice storm goes right
through walls and obstacles.

Use lightning spell to items.
items will bound and fly.
it is fun as much as Fus Ro Dah.

Shadowmere will respawn
in the place of death after it is killed.
after 2 weeks in game time.

Proudspire Manor ,
Solitude house is the most expensive house.
25000 septims

Selling crops is undoubtedly a 'quest'.
it is useful to being thane.

you can attack flying birds

killmove can be canceled
by gravity condition or target's moving.

Escape the prison in Solitude
by destroying the wall.
there is a breakable wall.

There is Frost Astronachs
instead of guards
in Winterhold jail.

Auriel's bow has same damage rating
as an elven bow.

There is bunny hole
on north or east of Riften.
can find about 108 rabbits.

Wolves won't hurt you
if you are a werewolf.

You can pickpocket easily
when your target is sleeping.

You can shoot bugs
(fireflies, butterflies) by bow.
they revert to ingredients.

Bear trap is useful

Using slow time shout,
can get multiple stones of Barenziah from
a single one.

Green Thumb Perk ( alchemy, collect much more )
also affects items such as
chicken's nests, mammoth cheese, salmon.

Using flaming Familiar on people 
is no bounty.

bonuses gained from sleeping 

In a normal bed
Rested - 5% faster skill increase for 8 hours

In a bed that you own.
Well Rested - 10% faster skill increase for 8 hours

If you are married and you sleep
in the building where your spouse is
Loved - 15% faster skill increase for 8 hours

Collect books
it provide quests or skill level up

Rune magic trap can be triggered by magic 
, not bow.

How to steal item safely
Hold E key and take items
-> empty place nobody around -> get
also, can use basket for shopping cart.

Droping item
can make npcs fight each other.

You can get damage
when item drop to you.
there is physical engine applied
in the skyrim.

For good leveling speech skill,
sell each item one at a time.
not at the same time.


for PC players

When eat many foods for healing,
press E and Enter key, both.

Vanilla's fire range is very short.
how to fix archery range
Go to your skyrim.ini and add this line at the bottom

setlevel 1000,0,1,0
makes your follower's level equal to your level

Make any NPCs to follower or spouse
etrelationshiprank player 4
addfac 19809 1
addfac 5c84d 1
addfac 5a1a4 1

Can make my clone
player.placeatme 0007 1

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