How to good talking

How to good talking

tips make you master of speaking

frequently talk.
record your voice learning other language,
making advertisement sample,
join Media department group of school.

"I wish you do not such a thing"
beat around the bush.
like this
"I think~~" "little bit" "I would like~~"

do not disconnect when opponent speaking.
If you are excited, 
If you are in a buoyant spirit.
don't cut them off when talking.

when asking,
there are 3 ways.
persuade, intimidate, give money.
If the order works, it is temporary.
not continue for long.

'it is not' mean
'you are wrong you idiot.'
pros and cons are little bit different
like the front and the rear.
there is similar part with
person who talk with you thinking
and your thinking.
anyway, If you argue, there is nothing going to change.

change word each other.
'I love you cause I need you'
'I need you cause I love you'
two sentences look same.
but there is different of meaning.

silent is good answer.
if you have half a mind to talking, do not.

same meaning,
but its' moods are different
some of those are hard to understand.
another things are informal.
dictionary can help you by offer synonym.

makes your look well.
and you can get confidence.

everybody have good face and bad face.
like angel, like devil.
If you met someone kind,
after few week, you can find their bad part.

understanding of opposition.
let's do SIMS.
be father,
be mother,
be husband,
be wife.
indirect experience is good for talking skill.

quote from movie, books, ytb.
common talking things are not hard.

if possible, smile.
it less tension.
and good for you body.

conversation is 80% useless.
not need to concentrate.
there is not need to solve.
you can talk of your thinking or feeling.

agree enthusiastically.
overdo reaction.
honestly get absence of expression is not good.

people borrow language.
they can not conquer 100%.
we all borrow english to expression.
so we mistake.
bad - talking is natural.
Please feel free to talking.

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