Caesar 3, Pharaoh, Zeus, emperor simple comparison

I recomman Pharaoh and Caesar 3
their unit number are many.
and have good graphic.

Sierra build simulation games simple tips

I'm giving some sipmle knowhow
for comfortale game playing
it's about Caesar , Pharaoh , Zeus , Emperor

1st : Good way to build houses

Circle form is best.
it is in trim, so nice to look at.
and nice to clicking.
you can build residence houses
out square form load.
or remain empty spot in 
square form load.
as for build order,
build house first.
after that, 
build other buildings for house upgrading.

2nd : Making industrial complex

there is need to make a few house
for other buildings work.
I recommand build
one or two house that have low quality.
so much slum gonna reduce prosperity rating.
build some basic buildings slum need
like Police station and Fire stationd etc..
Specific objective building can be 
storage or mine , farm , trading dock.

3rd : mass of Police station instead of military defending forces

and basic buildings slum need
( fire station, medical center, architect office etc )
and many police office.
it is instead of army and wall.
of course, player can build it in beginning.
polices have litte striking power.
weak enemy can be lost by polices. ha!
player can use zoo lion or gladiator instead of polices.
they have power too.

## TXT Cheat

If game is too difficult, can modify txt.
open Rules.ini   or   easy.txt (555,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1)
modify this numbers.
may be first number is cost.
reduce that to 0, it cost 0 in game.

armies of exigo

armies of exigo
아미즈 오브 엑시고

made in 2004
its movie is good
2004년에 만들었음
무비가 좋음

middle age
Fantasy game
전략 중세시대 판타지 게임임

nice graphic
그래픽 깔끔함

unusual underground system.
so to speak, Two maps in one map
지하세계 시스템 독특함.
말하자면 한 맵 안에 두 맵이 잇음.

this game is eye candy.
이게임은 빛좋은 개살구임.

Zerg + Elf + Age of Empires
its concept is ... not good.
저그 + 엘프 + 에이지오브엠파이어
컨셉이 좀..

kinds of units are few
I want more various units
유닛 종류가 적다
더 다양한 유닛을 원하는뎁

Units' portraits are ugly
even human.
유닛들 얼굴이 못생김 ㅠ

5 out of 10
10점 만점에 5점

Starcraft 2 : Korean gamers' real reaction

Blizzard Games' feature since starcraft2 release :
fun at Close Beta Test
but, the sweetness disappears at Open Beta Test
I played Starcraft 2 ~ hearthstone
don't refute me
스투이후 블쟈겜 특징
클베땐 씹꿀잼인데 정작 오베하면 물 다빠져서 노잼됨 
스투부터 하스까지 다해봤다 반박하지마라 

Blizzard = Feeling of Blow
I often forget it..that's problem.
 of course Hearth Stone has high Feeling of hitting
블쟈가 타격감이라는걸 잊음.... 그게문제
물론 하스스톤 타격감 ㅅㅌㅊ

Starcraft 2's fun is in high quality mission
in watching Progamer TV
스투는 미션하는거 ㅅㅌㅊ에 
프로겜 보는재미 좀 있었는데

Vs Computer Game is fun?
will i play?
Lag come out when play Defence Game the last half
컴까기 재밋나? 
해볼까 디펜스같은건 후반가닌깐 렉개쩔던데
-> 할만함

as I who played Starcraft 2,
I can tell conclusion in my own way.
this is failed game. right.
it endure because there is no other RTS competitor.
LOL has a lot of fun than military games
military games' advantage is many Custom Map playing by turns.
fun custom map is CityOfTempest.
Random Defence  isn't good because out of control skill
스투 자날부터 한 유저로서 스투 나름 결론 내린다
망겜 맞다.
rts 경쟁작이 없어서 버티는 거다.
밀리겜은 롤에 비해 재미가 떨어진다.
장점이라고는 밀리 유즈맵 번갈아 가며 할수 있다는 정도?
그나마 재미 있는 유즈맵은 시티오브템페스트.
랜덤디펜스는 컨트롤 없어서 별로...

RTS Game market fucking failed
among them, Starcraft2 is alive
less-failed game in Fucking Failed Market
RTS 시장 개좆망함
그나마 살아있는게 스2
좆망겜시장에서 그나마 덜좆망겜

Deleted fucking gone out of business game
at that very moment
I recommand refund
환불 강추한다

after won,
there are insulting people by whisper.
Why are they so mean?
I always say "good game" after game over
and  surrender.
listen to abuse like this. I feel futility.
이겨놓고 귓말로 욕하는 애들은 무슨 심보지 ㅋㅋ
난 항상 겜끝날때마다 좋은겜이었다고 ㅈㅈ 치는데
이렇게 욕들으니 허탈하노

I think
players play Starcraft2 are fewer than 100 people
스투 하는사람 100명도 안되는거 같다

one-on-one matching is work well.
team matching is annihilated.
ㄹㅇ 11은 매칭 존나 잘되는데 
팀전은 거의 전멸수준

Single play is fun.
싱글플레이 재밌음

I have played steadily Starcraft2,
bought expansion packs.
suddenly I thought.
why I bought?
I'm fucking regretting.
스투는 꾸준히 해오다가
확팩까지 사서 하고있는데
문득 생각해보니까 
내가 왜샀는지 존나 후회됨

whenever play Radder game 3vs3  4vs4 ,
Que gotten after waiting 20~30 min at dawn.
most of all, always,
I play with player who I played with.
Arcade players are 200 million
Radder players are fewer than 10 million
do not buy this TwatCockFailedGame
래더게임 3:3, 4:4 팀전 돌리면 
늦은새벽엔 20~30분 기다리다가 큐잡히고
제일 중요한건 맨날 하던새끼들만 만남
아케이드 하는새끼 200 만명에 
래더게임은 10 만명도 안되는거 같다
씹좃망게임 사지마라..

emperor rise of the middle kingdom

no 2D, this game is 3D.
old 3d like clay
2d가 아니고 3d다.
찰흙같은 낡은 쓰리디임.

has completely old classic visual
완전히 낡은 고전게임 비쥬얼을 가지고 있다.

sound effect is noisy
음향효과가 시끄럽다.

too difficult
not enough explanation :/
interface is uncomfortable
너무 어렵다.
설명이 충분치 않다.
인터페이스가 불편하다.

way to earn money is too complex
돈버는 방법이 너무 복잡하다.

there are similar games like
The Emperor rise of the middle kingdom.
Jeus  master of olympus,
Caesar 3 , 4 ,
Pharaoh game.
The Emperor is latest released game.
but it is worst.
제우스 시저3 4 파라오.
엠퍼러 같은 유사한 게임이 있는데
엠퍼러가 가장 최근에 출시된 게임인데
가장 나쁘다.

there is no reason for play this game
score : 1 out of 10
이 게임 할 이유가 없다
10 점 중 1점.

Supreme commander 2 play thoughts

Supreme commander 2 play thoughts
슈프림 커맨더 2 플레이한 소감

Made at 2010 ,
have excellent and refined graphic
equal to the Starcraft 2
2010년에 만들어졌고 , 
스타2에 맞먹을 정도로
훌륭하고 세련된 그래픽을 지녔다. 

This game is robot strategy game , 3D RTS
이 게임은 쓰리디 rts 로봇 전략게임이다

upgrades and units can Unlocked
by Research System ( real time auto level up system )
업그레이드와 유닛은 연구 시스템으로
(실시간 자동 레벨업 시스템)
잠금 해제할 수 있다

There are many units and upgrades
유닛과 업그레이드 수가 많다.

there are 3 civilization ( species )
3개의 종족이 있다.

Whenever zoom out by mouse whirl
player can show simple map
미니맵을 줄일 때마다
맵을 간략하게 볼 수 있다.

Units walk slowly and
one match take over 1 hour
유닛은 느리게 걷고
게임 한판에 1시간 넘게 걸린다.

anyway Supreme commander 2 is unpopular.
there are only few multiplaying gamers.
so, I think it is better to make more species
like Age of Empires
although, game balancing can be destroyed.
어차피 슈프림 커맨더 2는 유명하지 않고
멀티 하는 유저도 적으니
에이지 오브 엠파이어 처럼
종족을 더 만드는게 좋을 거 같다.
비록 게임 밸런스가 무너질 수 있더라도.

korean wife + british husband cartoon?

Let me introduce Web cartoon for learn korean
this toon show English interpretation ( Only PC version )
its genre is cute daily life.   :)
korean wife + british husband

한국어 배우기 좋은 웹 만화 소개할게요
이 만화는 영어 해석 보여줌
장르는 일상물이구 귀욤 ㅎ
한국인 와이프에 영국인 남편임

My Dragon age review

My Dragon age review
내 드에 리뷰

This is RPG , but
similar to strategy game
RPG 이긴 한데 
전략 게임임

not good effect
the sensation of hitting is zero
이펙트 별로고
타격감 제로고

no action
its speed is very slow
액션 아예 없음
속도가 매우 느림

dialogues are difficult
player who don't know English is hard to understand
if wanna play DragonAge , play with mother tongue
대사가 어려움 ㅠ
영어 모르는 사람은 하기 힘듦
모국어로 플레이 하세요

there are many choices
make follower or kill
선택지가 많아서 좋음
동료로 만들거나 죽이거나 

it is not good game
without story
스토리 빼고 보면

50 out of 100
50점 짜리임