incommodity whenever I play skyrim

I hope Bethesda Softworks, skyrim makers, official developing teamsor game makerslead this writing

incommodity whenever I play skyrim
things need to improve

1. middle of fast travel and stroll
when begin skyrim, run in the field.
but, after some play times, no need to walk.
only fast travel.

I used Immersive travel , deleting fast travel mod,
then, I enjoyed random civil, patroll.
but, whenever going to big city,
I always passed same roads.
It was boring, time wasting.

without fast travel, has trouble
too much fast travel is also trouble.
I want mid

only can fast travel
city to city ,or
inn to inn

2. interesting perks are able too later
perks that able at begining are
'magicka cost decrease'
'armor +'
'damage +'
like those, simple adjusting numerical value.

no fun.

perks that able at around later,
'double hand casting'
'can install extra run'
'can more creature summon number'
there are many fun things.

they are
almost perks after 90 level.
how much time need to waste !!
I want interesting perks
when my character is novice.
"require lvl 90, can double summon"
"require lvl 10, can double summon,
but there is panalty.
more magick cost, and,
you can only cast in outside"

3. main quest skip
skyrim is huge.
and can choose stream of quest.
mods are infinite.
players' play time is infinite too.
so, there are many people who
skip main quest
by console or save file sharing
for players,

there need to skip
main quest of unavoidable quest

4. character choice.
want job change that sneak archer to mage,
but monsters leveluped.
I have no magicka.
too hard to change jobs.

race, look change need
racemenu console.
I wish character choosing
like GranadoEspada, or other rpg games.

character chaging.
can share quest, money each my characters.

5. dizzing
ist view runnung and shaking,
3rd view zoom in out repeating,
bright -> dark eye  adaptation,
whenever look them,
I have nausea.

6. degree of important, balance
foods are so weak.
it overpowered by healing potions.
need to click like mad when food eating
I want foods' heal effectiveness.
or like soup,
give them special effect.

paralyzing potion is too strong
one of paralyzing potion is for 10 secs.
that 10 secs. enough to kill. even there is remaining  time.

some monsters immune 100% in poison.
I wish lessen their immune to 80% at least.

we can meet hunters
sell and buy animal skin and bone.
has only 50 septims.
they have not worth to deal.
useless npcs. 

race nature skills, using Z key,
suck too.
exemple, Redguard have skill that
increases stamina regenerating once a day.
it is discarded. cause
Z key use for Thu'um, shout.
keyboard shortcut is overlaped.

7. dragons and vampires' town attack
too much frequently.
boring. sick.
whenever arrived in town.
npcs are dead. behind the scenes.
I am at a loss for words

8. vendor's commute, 8am~8pm
T time wating is waste of time.
every come shop, closed.
just open full time!

9. same words
greetings, watch out, wawawa watch th magic.
that sort of things need to be one-shot.
or lessen it's repeatability.
too noisy.

10. horse
died horse don't drop any pelt or meat sometimes.
not worth to buy horse for 1000 septims.

11. quest items that heavy and can not drop
especially Barenziah stones.
I don't want get these things.
I hate. no. it make quest interface tained.

12. Vampirism
without bite,
get Vampirism with some long distance spell,
just biting is better than that.

can not heal deepen Vampirism for cure potions.
need to quest for cure. irritating.
just there change
quest for cure Vampirism
quest for get Vampirism

13. multiple followers
AFT EFF UFO all of them have bugs.
followers become missing children.
and get refractory.

I want
official development team makes
the mod.

14. mute, effect delete
no battle music when battle.
no Woorrrr sound when death thrall walking around.
no cloak sound.
no level,skill up sound.
no main logo movie,
no vinyl effect on enchanted item
no magic buff effect.
no blood on screen.
bethesda made so much useless things.

15. plastic beauty
racemenu mod deserve to be official mod.
Vanilla characters are ugly.
minimum, I want bethesda makes some beautiful preset.

16. improvement in battle action
focus on Killmove.
make more kill move.
ex. when arrow or magic kill,
camera turns or zoom or zoom out.
battle without killcam is not battle.
it seem like slash on air

17. map
hard to see road.
and fogs cover the map.
and each town have 
yarl house icon clear near by town icon.
it is dirty too see.
I wish that
tarvern, camp, cleared dungeon's icon
can hide.

18. earn money
when novice,
infiltrate normal house and rob foods,
infiltrate blacksmith's house for ironingots,
pick some flowers in yarl's house.
take away all bandit's dropped.
there is fun.
but, after become master,
collect just unique item.
the rest spoils has no reason to pick up.
no need to earn money
no place to use money.

19. mod closing
mods that having too much conflict
or bugs
or too old.
deserve to closed
they deserve to deleted.
by nexus teams
or by skyrim teams.
players waste so much time
to solve cause those damn mods.

20. calculation of compound interest, approach to 99%, not become 100%

in encahnt, 
'magicka cost decrease' can be 100%.
that is also mean 'I don't need magicka for spell any more ahahahahah!!!'
there needs fix.
I wish
magicka cost value can gain on 99% little by little
with compound interest.
not, 100%.
lvl 90, magicka cost - 70%
lvl 100, magicka cost - 77%
lvl 100, with enchated item, magicka cost - 78.5%
lvl 100, with good enchated item, magicka cost - 79%
best enchanted item is too hard to talked.
cause it is on compound interest.

21. coloring
all lightening magics are ugly purple things.
I need different appearance between high magic and low magic.
it is ok to change color. 
and more.
if there was dyeing system, it were gonna be awesome!
if so, there isn't need to outfit mods no more.

22. shadow

string shadow?
just delete shadow

23. water

unusefully, Bethesda put dirty color under water.
just make them clear water.

24. large scale battle
even 5vs5 battle is good.

25. speedy
increasing running and mounting so fast
and make my heartbeat run.
when battle,
can move rapidly in a short time.
action sense full up.
I wish attack motion have delay
less than 1 sc.

like tekken,
(I don't want tekken's damaging balancing
just don't look health bar)

these things,
are all can be fixed.
but there need to many mods (almost are small mods)
then need to struggle with CTD and bugs.

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