skyrim play concept best 5

skyrim play concept best 5

(skyrim play concept
job choosing
battle style )

in my experience,
sneaking archer is best

1st : sneaking archer with nice killmove
2nd : warrior
3rd : mage. even have many maigc, magicka is always not enough.
4th : focus on non combat. alchemy, smithing, enchanting...
worst : only restoration , heavy armor tanker

other Koreans'  though

barehand khajiit is best.
other are worst

ranger , hunter is fun like HONEY LICKNG

playing sword + shield.
block attack block attack block attack block attack.

archer is YES fun

archer is too boring
cause it is too easy

let's do dual wield.

I think those all are sucks
,but dual wield and 2H.

dual wield'perk is worth to pick.
speed good.

sneak archer's charm is
TOONG! sound when hit

1 handed sword
sneak archer

sneak dagger > shield > 2H > destruction

sneak dagger
those 3 are best. the rest is trash.

pure mage is worst

play swordmage dude.

2hw > sneak dagger > sneak archer > magic > lames > sword + shield

don't use
alchemy, enchant, smithing

try alteration magic
it is fun.

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